The Leader in Alternative Fuels School Buses - Electric, Propane, Gas and CNG

Blue Bird Micro Bird School Buses

Micro Bird T-Series Diesel Micro Bird T-Series Diesel

Micro Bird T-Series GasMicro Bird T-Series Gas

Micro Bird G5 PropaneMicro Bird G5 Propane

Micro Bird G5 ElectricMicro Bird G5 Electric

Micro Bird G5 GasMicro Bird G5 Gas


Building off Blue Bird’s purpose-built product strategy for maximum quality and optimization, each Blue Bird Micro Bird model has a body design which includes exclusive features that directly enhance safety and durability for increased overall value.

Micro Bird's purpose-built design further enhances our best-in-class durability and serviceability, which allows Blue Bird Micro Bird to provide the greatest custom options for bus applications.

Micro Bird school buses deliver exceptional safety and stability, making them an excellent choice for your special needs applications. They are ready to be equipped with a variety of options to suit the needs of any passenger.